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BASICS OF GROUP BEHAVIOR jeon rwxr-xr-x 14 Thursday, July 14, 2011

Permission rw-r--r--
Author jeon
Date and Time Thursday, July 14, 2011
          Every individual in life have certain interests and purposes that differ between individuals with one individual to another, and from it created also the difference in status is only one of a number of actions that occur naturally in the group. So with the nature and characteristics of each individual varies, of course, will have a greater potential if translated into an interest and their common or group.
With these reasons can be seen various forms of groups that exist at present with the interests and goals vary. The existence of an actual group is informal, while formal organizations. These informal groups are formed naturally in the atmosphere of work is emerging as a response to the need for social contact while the group formally established seseuai plan and have clear objectives.
In the life of a group is certainly not independent of the behavior of individuals who are not in accordance with nature as human beings. However, it is stored behind the difference when it accumulates a large force into the dynamics of the group. After each individual into the interests and objectives of the group then their behavior will be the behavior of group togetherness.

  1. Proximity Theory (Propinquity): The theory explains the closeness of the alliance among certain people. Someone in touch with others due to the proximity of space and territory.
  2. Interaction Theory (George Homans): The theory of interaction based on activity, interaction and sentiment (feeling or emotion) is directly related.
  3. Balance theory (Theodore Newcomb): Equilibrium theory states that a person attracted to another is based on attitude similarity (such as: religion, politics, lifestyle, marriage, work, authority) in response to a destination.
  4. Exchange Theory: This theory there is a similarity function with a theory of motivation in work. Theory of proximity, interaction, balance, all played a role in this theory.
          Practically group formation could have occurred by reason of economy, security, or social reasons. The workers generally have a desire to another party affiliation.

The salient characteristics of a group, among others:
a. The existence of two or more people
b. Interact with one another
c. Share some common purpose
d. Seeing itself as a group.

Definition of Some Types of Groups
  1. Group, The group is two or more individuals interacting and interdependent, mutually joined to achieve a particular goal.
  2. Formal groups, Formal group is formed by the working group defined by the structure oraganisasi with job assignments that have been determined. Behaviors that must be presented within this group is determined and directed to the organization's objectives.
  3. Informal group, Informal groups are groups that are not formally structured and is not determined by oraganisasi, and occurs because the response to the need for social relationships. The good news is these groups can meet the social needs of its members that can affect behavior and performance of its members.
  4. Command Grou, Command group is a group of individuals who report directly to a particular manager, or in other words, the command is the manager and all subordinates.
  5. Task Group, Task group is people who together accomplish the task.
  6. Interest Groups, Interest groups are the people who work together to achieve specific goals and concerns of each person.
  7. Friendship Group, Friendship is the communion of social groups that are often developed from the work situation, set together because it has one or more of the same characteristics.

  1. Safety factor, Individuals within the group could reduce the insecurity of being alone. Feeling stronger, more confident, and more resistant to threats.
  2. Factor Status, Joining the group are considered necessary, give recognition and status for its members.
  3. Factor of self-esteem, Having self-esteem for being part of the group and the clarity of their status for other groups.
  4. Factor Affiliate, The group could meet the social needs of its members.
  5. Power factor, Power and strength can be achieved by being in the group that is difficult to obtain if alone.
  6. Target Achievement Factors, To achieve the targets and complete the task required more than one or two people. There is a need to collect talent, knowledge, or power to finish the job.


dokumedia said...

Great post friend :D so, what the best class of group popularity?

Admin said...

dokumedia, group popularity merupakan dampak/hasil yang ditimbulkan dari karakteristik2 kelompok itu sendiri. untuk mendapatkan karakteristik itu sebuah kelompok harus memiliki interaksi yg kuat satu sama lain dan pembagian tugas kelompok secara smart, apabila tu semua dah terpenuhi maka Popularitas kelompok akan menyertainya,demikian pendapat saya..
jika ada yg salah boleh disangkal..hehe

thanks kawan for visit n comment in here ..

mohdhazlan Dreadlock said...

nice post ...

Admin said...

>>hatikubaik-mohdhazlan dreadlock, thanks sobat atas kunjungan-nya :)

Just mobile phone said...

nice share...keep posting...

2healthy said...

mampir gan

Narasoma said...

Visit back...

Admin said...

Thanks all atas kunjungan n support-nya..
salam hangad.. u r the best :)

liputanmadura said...

thanks atas kunjungannya

Admin said...

>>liputanmadura, justru saya kawan yg trima kasih, cz udah mau mampir n comment di blog butut ini.. ckckck.. thanks y :)

123 said...

was here... numpang baca2 gan

Admin said...

>>Faisal, iy silahkan kawan.. thanks udah menyempatkan diri untuk mampir disini :)

geo said...

bagian dari kehidupan sosial sepertinya memang sudah kodrat ILLAHI...salah satu penjabarannya dgn artikel yg baru az tak baca..nice info bos...lanjutkan!!..dukungannya juga yah...hehe

Admin said...

>>geo.. thanks mas geo buat supportx... sukses buat mas-nya. :)

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